Monday, August 1, 2011

Google+ service launch for 1 month: Facebook has been so nervous

June 28, Google launched a much-anticipated Google+ social services, and quickly attracted a lot of attention, the first two weeks the number of users reach 10 million, and in the subsequent two weeks has increased by 10 million users, many people want to get involved in Google+ test qualifications.

Meanwhile, Google+ also caused widespread concern in the enterprise market, a large number of companies eager to set up Google+ account, but Google said that enterprises and organizations want to remain patient and wait for a few months, until the Enterprise Google+ complete.
Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle, said: "have a million or more users, in support of Google, Google+ has become a major force in the social field. Google+ caused so much attention is not unexpected, because this product integrates Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook's philosophy, to bring the average result is higher quality information, less the amount of information, which makes Google+ service more practical for most people. "

The success of Google+ mean a new competitor for Facebook. Gabriel Consulting Group analyst Dan Olds, said: "Google+ development very well, although the future is unpredictable, but in my opinion, so far, Google has done the best."

Technical support is in place
Olds said Google Google+ technical support services are in place, yet any downtime or security breaches. He added: "It looks like, Google+ everything to run very smoothly, the service launched in the beginning, this is particularly critical because it ensures that the Google+ news reports focused on the service itself, rather than technical of the negative news. "

However, Google+ need to address Internet traffic statistics agency Hitwise released a report this week, the report said Google+ traffic declined. Hitwise reported that as of July 23 in the week, Google+ the number of users to access 179 million times, compared with the previous week fell 3%. The report also pointed out that this week Google+ social network users in the average residence time of 5 minutes 15 seconds from the previous week fell by 10%.

In addition, users of this week, some of the Google+ forced to promote the implementation of the system, a pseudonym for a number of registered users has taken measures to temporarily prohibit login frustration and dissatisfaction. However, Google quickly revised this policy.

Facebook nervous
Although the real-name system policy has caused controversy, but analysts believe that, Facebook must pay attention to this new competitor to ensure their leading position in the social field. For example, Google+ service launched just a week later, Facebook has announced the conclusion of a partnership with Skype for Facebook adds video chat. At the same time, Facebook has launched a new group chat feature.

Although the partnership agreement has been negotiated for some time, but the Facebook announcement choice for the time being as a direct response to Google + make, because there is a Google+ called "Hangouts" feature, support for online conference call services.

Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg at the conclusion of a partnership with Skype announced that users can expect in the next few months, Facebook's new features.

Olds said that, Google+ caused Facebook nervous, but it is a good to social network users. Olds said: "I think, Facebook attaches great importance to Google+ social services, if Facebook does not dare to Google and now Google+ as the most powerful competitors, it is really a crazy move, which will not be Google in the social field the impulse to move, on the contrary, Google is hoping to Google+ long-term deep into social networking. "

However, the current main challenge is to maintain Google+ growth trend, meaning that Google must avoid user data privacy, and user satisfaction, given sufficient emphasis.

Olds believes that Google should start using all of its channels to promote Google+ service. He said: "They should be tied to other Google tools such as Google Earth and Google Maps. In addition, Google should attract independent developers to participate in the Google+ services."

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Google+ usage declined! Is a bubble?

According to market research company Hitwise on Wednesday (27) released a report, Google's new social networking features enable Google+ experience a few weeks after the fever, signs of slowing down last week, attendance and use of time both fell.
Hitwise survey found that, on Saturday (23), Google+ reduce 3% of visits over the previous week, fell to 179 million; average time is more reduced by 10%, to 5 minutes 15 seconds.

Compared to the previous week (from 16 up), Google+ visit people jumped 283% over the previous week, with more than two weeks ago surge 821 percent. Google+ beta version is still limited to the operation, only through existing members or invited to join Google, because Google want to use the official opening of the general public, let Google+ function better and solve programming problems.

But for social networking sites, especially in non-flow down the good news, especially until the end of last month launched Google+, an opening will be widely watched, have brought the largest social networking site and Facebook to make a comparison.

According to Hitwise estimates there are about 20 million people worldwide now have a Google + Account.
"IDG News" said, Google+ use boom subsided, probably because of adding a threshold, set personal data registered by the trial after a while, found that many friends have not joined, then the reasons for the lack of regular repeat visits.
Although the use of Google+ craze subsided, but the social services available in one month, Facebook has been so nervous

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Google+ a brand new sosial networking site

Google recently launched its own brand new social networking site Google+. Google+ has mimic in a number of Facebook's features and design, but will Google+ able to beat Facebook in the future? The industry's has different voice, most industry insiders believe Google+ has a higher strength and even to unseat Facebook, but this is still long way to go.

The biggest problem that Google+ currently facing is most users are already familiar with Facebook. In order to switch them out of Facebook's network to enter Google+ network is clearly not practical.

Facebook currently has more than 500 million worldwide users is a world's largest social service providers, and some statistic even state that Facebook's users has reached 750 million in total. Six of Facebook's executives were billionaires, The importance of Facebook's has been increase now a day, such as search for missing friends in the disaster and relatives.

Facebook can't defeated by Google+

Although Google failed on previous attempt on social networking, Open Social philosophy shared social identity not getting Facebook and other social networking consensus, Google Wave can not attract more users, Google Buzz overly concerned with privacy issues scare most potential users.

Finally, a Google+, it would make a good counterattack, because the biggest problem of Facebook is lack of privacy protection.

Currently, Google+ is still in the testing phase, only for the technology industry and open to the media, but the existing user experience that its very powerful, easy to use. The most attractive is that it easy to use, manage and organize a list of friends is also very easy. Friend management is the social network will encounter various problem, but often overlooked, Twitter do less, Facebook a little better, but can not compared with the current Google+.

Google+ Friends Circle

Google+ friends attribute called Circles, you can drag the list of friends to group, copy an existing social
circles, such as family, friends, colleagues, other, etc., this feature is better than Facebook. In Google+, users can selectively send updates to the different circles, quickly realize sharing between different circles.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Give up on Facebook switch to Google+

With the rapid growth of Google+, Facebook users should give up on Facebook and give Google+ a try. People who agree that, Facebook has been unable to provide a valuable social experience. However, the opposition of people said, Facebook's too large, all friends are using this service.

Indeed, to establish what the decision will depend on specific individuals, but more pertinent suggestion is to use both social networks. But if you completely give up Facebook, and decided to simply use Google + is definitely not a mistake.

After all, now there are many good reasons for people to give up Facebook, losing Google +'s arms.