Saturday, July 30, 2011

Facebook can't defeated by Google+

Although Google failed on previous attempt on social networking, Open Social philosophy shared social identity not getting Facebook and other social networking consensus, Google Wave can not attract more users, Google Buzz overly concerned with privacy issues scare most potential users.

Finally, a Google+, it would make a good counterattack, because the biggest problem of Facebook is lack of privacy protection.

Currently, Google+ is still in the testing phase, only for the technology industry and open to the media, but the existing user experience that its very powerful, easy to use. The most attractive is that it easy to use, manage and organize a list of friends is also very easy. Friend management is the social network will encounter various problem, but often overlooked, Twitter do less, Facebook a little better, but can not compared with the current Google+.

Google+ Friends Circle

Google+ friends attribute called Circles, you can drag the list of friends to group, copy an existing social
circles, such as family, friends, colleagues, other, etc., this feature is better than Facebook. In Google+, users can selectively send updates to the different circles, quickly realize sharing between different circles.

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